Gen3 - Fault - Debug Gen3-LMS Screen Reset Cycle

Gen3 - Fault - Debug Gen3-LMS Screen Reset Cycle

The below instructions are only applicable if the Gen3-LMS does not load to the main screen and does not show "Shutting Down . . ."
This indicates software corruption, contact EQSS for further debugging.

The modules of the Gen3-LMS system are connected via a CAN bus network. This reset cycle indicates that there is a fault with the CAN bus network which is preventing communication between all the modules.
This fault is most likely caused by a damaged connection cable. If a connecting cable between two modules is cut it will most likely short a few of the signal wires together causing the entire CAN bus network to go offline.

Below is a layout of how the modules in the Gen3-LMS system are interconnected via the CAN bus network. Use this layout to help debug which modules is causing the issue.
CAN Bus Layout

Follow the steps below to diagnose which module is bringing down the CAN bus
  1. Disconnect the two M12 screw lock connectors into the CCIM module (this module is located in the cabin under the dashboard)
    If this does not stop the screen reset cycle, then the CAN bus problem is in the connection between the display and CCIM.
    If a spare display and CCIM module is available, swap out each module to determine which one is a fault and return to EQSS for inspection and repair.
    If spare modules are not available, return both the display and CCIM modules to EQSS for inspection and repair.

    If this stops the screen reset cycle, then continue with the remaining steps.
  2. Reconnect the M12 screw lock connector for the light tower
    If this causes the screen reset cycle to start again, then the CAN bus problem is in the connection to the light tower.
    Inspect the light tower cable for any damage, inspect and clean the connector contacts. If this doesn't solve the issue or if damage is found to the cable then return the light tower to EQSS for inspection and repair.

    If the screen reset cycle does not start again, then continue with the remaining steps.
  3. On the outside of the machine, disconnect the following
    1. The "CAN" cable into the right side of the CPIM module from the CCIM module
    2. The "Boom" cable into the 5th connection from the right into the bottom of the CPIM enclosure
    3. The cable connected in the bottom of the cable reeler on the boom
  4. Inside the cabin reconnect the M12 screw lock for the CPIM module back into the CCIM
    If this causes the screen reset cycle to start again, then the CAN bus problem is in the connector or the cable to the CPIM.
    Inspect the cable for any damage, inspect and clean the connector contacts. If this doesn't solve the issue or if damage is found to the cable then order a replacement cable.

    If the screen reset cycle does not start again, then continue with the remaining steps.
  5. On the CPIM reconnect the "CAN" cable into the right side of the CPIM module from the CCIM module
    If this causes the screen reset cycle to start again, then the CAN bus problem is in the connector on the CPIM or inside the CPIM module ifself.
    Inspect the CPIM module for any damage, inspect and clean the connector contacts. If this doesn't solve the issue or if damage is found to the CPIM then return the CPIM to EQSS for inspection and repair.

    If the screen reset cycle does not start again, then continue with the remaining steps.
  6. Reconnect the "Boom" cable back into the CPIM
    If this causes the screen reset cycle to start again, then the CAN bus problem is in the connector on the CPIM or the boom cable to the cable reeler.
    Inspect the cable for any damage, inspect and clean the connector contacts. If this doesn't solve the issue or if damage is found to the cable then order a replacement boom cable.

    If the screen reset cycle does not start again, then continue with the remaining steps.
  7. Reconnect the cable back into the cable reeler on the boom
    If this causes the screen reset cycle to start again, then the CAN bus problem is in the connector on the cable reeler or inside the CPIM module ifself.
    Inspect the CPIM module for any damage, inspect and clean the connector contacts. If this doesn't solve the issue or if damage is found to the CPIM then return the CPIM to EQSS for inspection and repair.

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