Gen1 - Software - MPCT Calibrator Software

Gen1 - Software - MPCT Calibrator Software

Your Gen 1 Safety System must be calibrated using a laptop and EQSS calibration software before being put into service
The MPCT Software is to be loaded on a laptop and is broken down into seven calibration sections and one configuration section.
  1. Serial Communication Configuration
  2. Boom Angle Calibration
  3. Boom Length Calibration
  4. Chassis Level Calibration
  5. Cylinder Ratio Calibration
  6. Attachment Load Zero & Gain Calibration
  7. LCD Contrast Adjustment 
Software Communications
Before using the MPCT calibration software the user must first connect the display to the laptop via the serial port. Once the connection is made, the user may start the EQSS TSS Calibrator software by selecting:

Start → Programs → EQSS → TSS Calibration

On entry into the application, the first screen that appears is the Serial Communications section. The user must select the serial port to use for communication to the display. To do this select the desired serial port from the drop down box and hit connect.

Once the connection is established a message box will appear confirming the serial connection is ok.

Boom Angle, Boom Length and Carrier Angle Calibration
The Boom Angle, Boom Length and Carrier Angle calibration sections are self explanatory with textual descriptions on how to calibrate each section. They can be performed in any order and each section can be selected by hitting one of the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

Cylinder Ratio Calibration
Select the Cylinder Ratio calibration screen and follow the procedure below to calibrate the master lift cylinder variables. These calibration variables are used to keep the load readout stable when the cylinder moves (i.e boom up, boom down, tilt up or tilt down).

The TSS display is factory calibrated and these variables should only require slight adjustment.

Attachment Load Calibration
Select the Attachment Load Calibration screen by hitting the 'Load' tab at the bottom of the screen.

Follow the procedure below for each attachment.

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