This fault code usually appears in combination with other fault codes.
The N03 fault code relates to some sort of problem with the CALM (Cable Reeler) module or problems communicating with the CALM.
A number of factors can be at play when this fault code appears:
1. CALM CAN bus cable could be damaged or CAN connectors making poor/no contact.
2. CALM could have an internal hardware fault.
3. CALM could have water ingress or water damage (corrosion).
1. Check the CALM CAN bus cable and CAN bus jacks (at the CPIM 4 pin CAN screw connector and the CALM 4 pin CAN screw connector) for signs of damage
2. Check CAN bus cable continuity if possible with some sort of continuity tester (multimeter etc).
3. Send the CALM back to EQSS for troubleshooting/repair.
If the problem persists then contact EQSS support for further guidance.