Gen3 - Hardware - Cable Reeler Lubrication

Gen3 - Hardware - Cable Reeler Lubrication

The cable reeler consists of a multi core cable wrapped around a drum.
As the boom extends the cable unwinds from the drum. When the boom retracts the cable winds back onto the drum. A cable guide prevents overlying of the cable, ensuring the cable retracts uniformly onto the drum. Due to friction between the lays of wire and the layer guide, the cable may sag or catch during retraction.

Therefore, regular lubrication of the cable is required. A regular inspection of the cable must be performed to ensure proper lubrication. The inspection interval will be dependant on the operating environment. To lubricate the cable, fully extend the boom. While retracting the boom spray a lubricant (RP7, WD40 or equivalent) onto the cable, until the boom is fully retracted.

The cable must be lubricated at all times while the machine is in operation.

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