Gen3 - Hardware - Hydraulic Cylinder Porting Instructions

Gen3 - Hardware - Hydraulic Cylinder Porting Instructions

Before doing ANY work on the hydraulics - Support and secure the boom using an A Frame or similar apparatus. It must support at least 2 tons.
This article describes the general steps required to create a port in the head inside of a lift cylinder with a counterbalance valve. This is not an endorsed step by step procedure, but a set of directions that can be used by a hydraulic fitter / expert. EQSS does not obtain any responsibilities or damage to equipment, plant or personal as a result of these directions.
Cylinder Porting Directions
1. Raise the boom and take support on a suitable stand or frame.
2. Isolate the machine and place the tag.
3. Release all hydraulic pressure in the system.
4. Remove both hydraulic hoses from the main lift cylinder and the cap.
5. Carefully remove the counterbalance valve of residual pressure. Make sure not to blow out the valve.
6. Grind off the paint of the block.
7. Mark out the hole to be drilled on the counterbalance valve block and on the centre line of the valve.
8. Measure the length of the valve and length of the block.
9. Drill a 2.5mm hole halfway between the end of the valve and end of the block.
10. Clean inside of the hole with a rag. Insert a magnet into the hole to ensure the valve block entrance has no swarf.
11. Countersink the outside face of the drilled hole.
12. Plug the entrance of the valve to keep foreign particles from entering.
13. Remove the anodising off the fitting and tack weld the fitting in the correct position.
14. Fully weld the fitting as required.
15. After the block has cooled down (from welding), paint the valve block in black colour.
16. Refit the counterbalance valve and tighten.
17. Refit the two hydraulic lines as required.
18. Fit the pressure sensor.
19. Check the hydraulic oil level in the tank - If required refill the tank.
20. Check for the leaks.

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