Gen3 - Hardware - Incorrect Reading when Attachment Tilted

Gen3 - Hardware - Incorrect Reading when Attachment Tilted

The Gen 3 LMS system was never designed to be a weight measuring system but rather it is a weight monitoring system, intended to create safety cutouts.

When using attachments that have a long reach, such as a long boom or fly jib/winch, the attachment can only be used in a horizontal position. Since there are no sensors on the tilt head, the Gen-3 assumes the attachment is horizontal. If the attachment is tilted, the load reading will become more inaccurate as the attachment is tilted towards vertical. Make sure to always lift the load from the ground by raising the boom rather than tilting the attachment head.

Tilting the attachment head can cause pressure spikes in the hydraulic system, affecting the pressure sensors which the Gen-3 uses to measure the load. This results in an inaccurate load reading while the head is being tilted. The load rating on most long reach attachments is far less than the capacity of the machine. This means that if a load is lifted which exceeds the load rating, the attachment will break or be damaged before the rear wheels lift off the ground.

When using long reach attachments always use in the horizontal position. Always lift the load by raising the boom and not tilting the attachment head. Failure to do so will result in inaccurate load readings, which may damage the attachment causing injury. 
If the attachment is tilted, the load reading will become more inaccurate as the attachment is tilted towards vertical. 

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