Gen3 - Hardware - Pressure Sensor Incorrect readings

Gen3 - Hardware - Pressure Sensor Incorrect readings

Incorrectly terminated pressure sensors create incorrect and nonsensical Gen 3 Display readings.
During a fresh Gen 3 install or Gen 3 system rebuild, occasionally installers will accidentally interchange the pressure sensor connections on the CPIM module.

The Main Head sensor MUST be plugged into the the Main Head port on the CPIM and the Main Rod sensor MUST be plugged into the Main Rod port on the CPIM. If these are swapped, the Gen 3 system will not display load weights correctly. The same applies to the compensation Head and Rod sensors.

Photos below of CPIM  connections:
CPIM mounted on a JCB

CPIM mounted on a Manitou

Please check all sensor connections are plugged into the correct ports.

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