Gen3 - Installation - Manitou CAN IO module

Gen3 - Installation - Manitou CAN IO module

The X1000 connector must be present in order to complete a Gen 3 LMS installation in a Manitou CAN bus system. 
Certain models of Manitou machines use a CAN bus to transfer data between the various sub-systems. In order to receive machine forward/reverse and stabilisers up/down signals, EQSS manufactures a CAN IO module as a communication bridge between the Manitou and the Gen 3 LMS. 

Below: CAN IO module between the CCIM and the Manitou CAN bus

The following are essential for successful operation:
  1. Proper (Low DC resistance) Ground from the Manitou machine to the CAN IO module 
  2. Proper 12 Volt DC voltage source to the CAN IO module - through a fuse in the Manitou machine
  3. Reliable electrical contact between the CAN IO module and the Manitou CAN bus (CAN High & CAN Low lines)
  4. EQSS specific CAN frames from the Manitou CAN bus and the EQSS CAN IO module
  5. An X1000 connector inside the dash - supplied by Manitou during manufacture
The X1000 (inside the dash connector), via 2.4 meter cable connects to the two outside the cabin connectors (X284B and X284C). Therefore, the X1000 connector connects to the CAN IO module and the X284B and X284C will plug into the Manitou electrics outside the rear of the cabin.

Below: CAN IO module inside the dash connection instruction as per the Installation Manuals

If your Manitou machine does not have the X1000 connector inside the dash, then you will have to contact Manitou spare parts division and ask for a Cable Part No: 52755915.

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