This section requires the use of the Gen3 Calibration software
and calibration cable. See the Gen3 Calibration user manual
installed with the software for further details.
Firstly, enter the machine measurements into the calibration software according to the calibration
user manual (including the measurements of each attachment). Once all the
measurements are entered, move onto the signal polarities page.
If any of the inputs signals were inverted, change the polarity from Normal to Inverted.
The output polarities section changes the cutout signal polarities. However, it is not recommended to change the cutout signal polarities.
The CPIM orientation should be changed to match the mounting orientation.
Next are the sensor calibrations on the sensors page. Follow the instructions to calibrate
both the carrier & carrier boom angles and the boom length.
Now that the measurements, polarities and sensor calibrations are complete, they can be
verified in the diagnostics page. The raw sensor data is similar to what is shown on the
diagnostics screen. The calculated data is produced from the measurements and polarity
settings. Then proceed to test the CPIM orientation setting. Tilt the machine to the left, the lateral angle will go
negative, tilt the machine to the right and the lateral angle will go positive. Drive the
machine up a hill and the longitudinal angle will go positive. Drive the machine down a hill
and the longitudinal angle will go negative. If the angles do not change as specified, then
change the CPIM orientation setting (unbolt the CPIM and remount correctly).
Now test the measurements. Move the machine to level ground, fully retract the boom
and level the boom angle. Use a tape measure to measure the radius to the tilt pivot. Measure from the front of the wheel along the ground to the tilt pivot pin for the attachment
head. Compare the calculated radius to tilt pivot value on the diagnostics page with the
actual measured value. If the calculated value is incorrect, check the measurements for
dimensions R and Lmin (on the measurements page). Measure the value for the height to
the tilt pivot by measuring vertically from the ground to the tilt pivot pin for the attachment
head. Compare the calculated height to tilt pivot value on the diagnostics page with the
actual measured value. If the calculated value is incorrect, check the measurements for
dimensions H and Ht on the measurements page.
Now fully extend the boom while keeping the
boom angle level. Measure from the front of the wheel, along the ground to the tilt pivot pin
for the attachment head and compare against the calculated value for the radius to the tilt
pivot on the diagnostics page. If the calculated value is incorrect, check the measurements
for dimension Lmax on the measurements page.
If the Amax dimension angle is less than the actual maximum boom angle, a T01 error will
be shown on the display.
The lift cylinder dimensions are used for the load calibration and if they are slightly
inaccurate use a multi-point calibration method (see the load section in the calibration user
manual for further details).
The attachment geometry dimensions can be verified against the on screen rating chart.
Connect the attachment and fully retract and lower the boom to the minimum angle. Select
the attachment from the attachment menu and use the user input control to fully zoom into the
chart. The cross-hair should be positioned in the bottom right corner of the chart. If not then
change the dimensions Ra and Ha to move the cross-hair to the corner of the chart.
If the dimensions Lmin or Lmax are modified, the boom length
calibration will need to be performed again on the sensors
If any of the sensor calibrations on the sensor page are
performed; then any procedures already performed on the ratio,
load and velocity pages will need to be repeated
To test the signal polarities, use the Diagnostics screen to help you visually identify.
Once the measurements and signal polarities have been verified and the sensor
calibrations performed, complete the procedures on the ratio, load and velocity pages as
described in the calibration user manual.