Gen3_ITC - Fault Code - IN01

This fault code can appear when the CCIM is not able to communicate with the Display
The permanently connected CCIM Display cable coming out of the CCIM module plugs into the rear lower 8 pin circular connector on the Display unit. All CAN bus communication between the CCIM and the Display takes place via this cable. This cable also supplies power from the CCIM to the Display.
1. Check that there are no obvious signs of damage to both the cable and the plug that connects to the Display unit.
2. Ensure the bottom 8 pin circular connector from the display is fastened and secured to the cable connector.
3. Using the index finger and thumb, clasp the cable near the display unit, then move the cable by rocking side to side and by rotating - whilst watching the display unit looking for any changes in the displayed fault code. If the fault code state changes (N01 disappears/reappears) with this action then an intermittent fault has been found in the cable and the CCIM should be sent back to EQSS for diagnosis/repair.
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