Gen3_ITC - Faults - Debugging RFID Reader

Gen3_ITC - Faults - Debugging RFID Reader

When automatic tool selection is enabled on the Gen3-LMS, the system uses the RFID reader on the tool coupler and ID tags on the tools to identify the attachment in use.
If the tool or attachment is connect to the machine but the Gen3-LMS is showing No Attachment, then follow the steps below to test the automatic tool selection hardware.

1. Test the RFID tag
Check that the RFID tag is sitting correctly on the attachment. Check the RFID tag has not been damaged. Due to the harsh operating environment for these machines, it's very easy to knock off or damage the RFID tag if the attachment is not aligned correctly during coupling.

2. Test the RFID Reader
When the Gen3 system is powered and the RFID reader is not detecting an ID tag the light on the reader will flash green, the flash interval is about 5-10 seconds.
When the RFID reader detects a tag the light will flash from green to red and will emit emit a beep sound.
To test the RFID reader remove a working ID tag from an attachment and tape it to the face of the reader, switch on the machine to accessories and listen for the beep from the ID reader (make sure the environment is quiet for this test) and look for the flashing green to red light. If there is no beep or flashing green to red light, then inspect the RFID reader for damage or there is a problem with the connection to the RFID reader

3. Check the cable to the RFID reader
The RFID reader is connected to the CPIM module. Inspect the cable from the RFID reader to the CPIM module for any signs of damage. Clean the connector with contact cleaner.

4. Test the CPIM module
If the RFID reader is operating correctly (flashes red to green and beeps when a tag is taped to the face) but the Gen3-LMS still shows No Attachment, then there is probably damage to the CPIM module. To confirm there is no ID tag signal being sent to the Gen3 display, navigate to System Menu -> Diagnostics Menu and look for Attachment ID. This will show the numerical value read from the ID tag, if it shows Not Found then the RFID reader has not detected a tag. If the value shows Not Found but the RFID reader is beeping and the light is flashing indicating it is detecting a tag, then there is likely damage to the CPIM module. Return the CPIM to EQSS for inspection and repair.
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