Gen3_ITC - User - Cutout Override
The Gen-3 safety system will engage the hydraulic cutout if the ITC is beyond it's
recommended capacity.
The operator is allowed to temporarily override this cutout to allow
the boom to be moved back into a safe working region.
Cutout Override positioning on a Komatsu ITC
Cutout Override positioning on a Cat ITC
Cutout Override positioning on a Volvo ITC
In order to engage the hydraulic override the operator must hold the switch. This will
display the override icon on the screen. The number in the icon is amount of time
remaining in seconds until the cutout is re-engaged. Once the number drops to 0 the
operator will need to release the switch and then hold again for additional override time.
The default override time is 15 seconds. It can be increased
to a maximum of 60 seconds via the configuration
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