Gen3 - User - Understanding the Screen Layout

Gen3 - User - Understanding the Screen Layout

All principle Telehandler operating data is displayed on the EQSS Gen 3 main screen

Load Percentage – Shows the percentage of maximum load for the Rated Capacity Limiter (RCL) and Load Moment Indicator (LMI). If the LMI has not been fitted there will only be one percentage bar for the RCL. The load percentage number displays the maximum of the two bars.

The bars are color coded depending on their load percentage, with green between 0% - 79%,

yellow between 80% - 99%

and red 100%+.

Attachment – This displays the description of the currently selected attachment. 

Rating Chart – This shows the rating chart for the currently selected attachment and the stabilizer configuration. 

Stability – The stability window shows the current stability status of the telehandler. 

Notification Icons – This area displays the important notification icons.
These will only be displayed under special circumstances or if certain faults are detected.

Status Window
Load – This displays the currently lifted load in tonnes and has a 100 Kg resolution.
Maximum Rating – This displays the maximum rating in kilograms from the rating chart for the current boom position.

Radius – This displays the current radius of the attachment in meters measured from the attachment load center to the front of the tire.
Height – This displays the current height of the attachment from the ground to the bottom of the attachment.
Boom Length – This displays the current length or extension of the boom in metres
Boom Angle – This displays the current boom angle in degrees 
As an added safety feature the Gen-3 safety system will automatically de-rate the maximum rating further than is specified on the rating chart when the attachment load center is within the negative working radius region (when the load is above the front wheels and the cabin). This should have a minimal impact on the performance of the machine since the load center rarely passes within the negative working radius region during lifting operations.
The height measurement is taken from the ground to the bottom of the attachment. It is not the total height of the telehandler and should not be used as a maximum height limit. If a suspended load is attached it does not measure the height of the load from the ground.

Please note that the GEN 3 LMS is not a weighing system. It is a weight monitoring system - designed to create operation safety cutouts when limits are exceeded.

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