Gen4 - Attachments - Calibration Software Screen Descriptions

Gen4 - Attachments - Calibration Software Screen Descriptions

The following sections describe the items in the 'Load Calibration Window' of the EQSS Gen 4 Load Calibration Software.

Step Field
This shows the current step in the calibration procedure for the attachment. The record point steps will be repeated for each different boom extension calibration.
Table Boom Length Field
This shows the current boom length or boom extension for the current data point recording step. N/A is displayed if not in a data point recording step.
Status Field
This displays any status messages that may be generated during calibration.
Restart Button
At any point during the calibration, the calibration process can be restarted for the attachment by pressing the Restart button. This clears all data points recorded during the calibration procedure. To perform a load calibration for another attachment, press the Restart button once the final step is completed.
Clear Table Button
During the data point recording steps, the Clear Table button will be enabled. Clicking this button will clear all the data points recorded (only during that step). If the table has been cleared, the operator will need to repeat the step until sufficient data points have been recorded. The boom angle will need to be moved to the location that it was at the start of the step. Lower the boom to the minimum angle, then raise again before recording more data points.
Record Value Button
During the data point recording steps, the Record Value button will be enabled. Clicking this button will record a data point value. The boom must be stationary while recording a data point. After clicking the button, the software will wait for the pressure reading to stabilize before recording the data point and a status message “Waiting for pressure to stabilise...”. Do not move the boom while the status message is displayed. Although the software can determine if the pressure is stable in most circumstances.

Follow the points below to achieve a more accurate calibration:
  1. Record the data point value between 5 – 10 seconds after stopping the boom. Too short and the boom may not have time to settle. Too long and pressure may bleed out of the cylinders.
  2. Move the boom as slow as possible, to avoid bounce. The faster the boom moves the more it will bounce once stopped. Bouncing causes the pressure value to fluctuate producing inaccurate load readings.
  3. Stop suspended load swing. If possible tie a line to the load and have someone on the ground prevent the load swinging. A swinging load requires more or less pressure depending on the current position of the swing, causing the pressure values to fluctuate.
Delete Last Button
During the data point recording steps, the Delete Last button will be enabled. Clicking this button will delete the last data point recorded during that step. If there have been no data points recorded, clicking the button will have no effect. It is possible to continue to click the Delete Last button to delete more than the last point, but it is not recommended since it will leave a large gap in the data point line. It is better to clear the table and repeat the step.
Next Step Button
Once the instructions for the current step have been completed, click the Next Step button to continue the calibration process. Depending on the current step, a message box may pop up (if an instruction in the current step hasn't been completed). Do as the message box suggests, then click the Next Step button again.
Attachment and Calibration Weight
This section allows the operator to select the attachment for calibration and to enter the calibration weight for the gain calibration step. The selected attachment can only be changed during the first step, after the first step is complete the drop-down box will be disabled. The calibration weight can only be entered before the gain calibration steps. The calibration weight should be as heavy as possible to produce an accurate calibration, but must allow the boom to be extended more than half of the maximum extension.
Boom Angle, Boom Extension, Pressure
This section displays the current boom angle, current boom length and the current pressure reading that the software will record. The boom angle is measured in degrees. The boom length measures the extension in millimetres. The pressure reading is unitless and the range is between 0 to 4096. Make sure the sensor calibrations are complete before starting the calibration.
The table in the bottom left corner holds the recorded data points for the current step. The table column stores the information from the current sensor values. Once the current step is completed, the table values are cleared but the data is stored for later use.
The graph in the bottom right corner plots the data points as they are being recorded.

The following points outline how to achieve an accurate gain calibration
  1. Lift a heavy load. The heavier the load, the more the pressure increases producing a more accurate gain calibration. However, the boom needs to be able to extend to the length specified in the calibration software.
  2. If calibrating a suspended load attachment, make sure the sling between the hook and the load is as short as possible to reduce the swing and to increase the angular range for calibration
  3. Follow the same guidelines as the zero calibration, recording points every 5-10 degrees and remains clear of the minimum and maximum boom angle
  4. When performing the gain calibration, step at extension. Before performing the calibration, determine the maximum extension of the boom with the additional weight of the load. It isn't necessary to fully extend the boom to complete the calibration, but it must be able to extend to the length specified in the calibration software. When in the calibration mode, the cutout is disabled, which means there is a risk of tipping the machine if extending too far.

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