OverWatch - Hardware - Haulotte SGS is different from EQSS Overwatch

The Haulotte SGS (Secondary Guarding System) is a Haulotte exclusive system and is manufactured by EQSS but installed within the Haulotte factory by Haulotte. It can only be used on the Haulotte Hybrid Compact AE series EWPs. Below photo shows elements of a Haulotte SGS system.

The EQSS Overwatch system is designed and manufactured by EQSS and sold by EQSS under the trademark of Overwatch.  It can be used on many make and model EWPs. Below are photos showing EQSS Overwatch for a standard 'Haulotte Compact Slab Scissor'.


These two kit types are totally different from each other and are not interchangeable.  Furthermore, the software used by these two systems is also totally different and NOT interchangeable. 

The quickest and easiest method of telling the systems apart is to look at the serial numbering. Any system that has the serial number system beginning with [ 6253 ] is EQSS Overwatch and anything that doesn't begin with the four numbers 6253 is not an EQSS Overwatch system. The sticker placed on the rear of the sensor is where you would look for the serial number. 

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