Crush Guard - Faults - Fault Codes

Crush Guard - Faults - Fault Codes

When a error with the Crush Guard® occurs the Fault light will flash on the user interface.
The fault flashes a numbered sequence based on the type of error.
The type of fault flash codes are:
• One Flash – Indicates a configuration problem. Most likely due to an incorrect settings on dip switch SW2.
• Two Flashes – Indicates a possible cabling problem. Likely there is damage to the cabling running between the Crush Guard® components or to the connectors.
• Three Flashes – Indicates a possible hardware problem with the control module.
This fault is typically not serviceable and requires the control module to be returned to EQSS for repair or replacement. The fault light will only indicate the type or fault. For more detailed information and for specific error codes contact EQSS to order a serial to USB cable and the Crush Guard® Configuration Software. See the documentation supplied with the Crush Guard® Configuration Software for details on accessing the error codes. The table below lists the error codes. 

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