Crush Guard - Maintenance - Service and Repairs

Crush Guard - Maintenance - Service and Repairs

The section will familiarize you with the components that comprise the Crush Guard® in order to perform a service or repair.
The diagram below outlines the major system components and how they interconnect.

The frame is mounted to the front of the EWP and runs a steel wire rope in front of the EWP controls. When the operator leans on the wire rope the alarm will trigger and cutout further movement. 

Damage to Frame Structure
If there has been a heavy impact to the mechanical structure of the frame, causing the tubing to be bent out of shape. Then the frame will need to be replaced. Damage to the mechanical structure cannot be repaired. If the magnetic anchor, rope switch and user interface are undamaged, they can be removed from the frame and only a replacement frame and wire will need to be ordered. 

Damage to Wire Components
If the wire or the blue hose sheath over the wire has been cut or damaged then it will need to be repaired. Return the frame to EQSS to replace the wire.

Damage to Rubber Post Covers
If the rubber post covers have been cut or punctured where they are interfering with the tension on the wire, then they will need to be replaced. Return the frame to EQSS to replace the rubber post covers.

Rope Switch
The wire rope running through the frame is connected to the rope switch. It monitors the tension on the wire rope. It is connected to the control module using an M12 cable. 

Damage to Rope Switch
If the rope switch has been damaged from an impact causing the reset button to not function correctly or caused a breach in the seal - then the rope switch will need to be replaced. Follow the instructions below to replace the rope switch. The rope switch cable can be ordered separately, if the damaged is localized to only the cable. Follow the instructions below to replace the rope switch cable.

Replace Rope Switch
Once the replacement rope switch has been ordered and received follow the instructions below to swap out the rope switch:
1. Disconnect the cable from the rope switch into the control module
2. Cut any cable ties and remove the rope switch cable from the snake tubing
3. Remove the cable from the p-clip, by removing the bolts on the cover of the User Interface enclosure to access the bolt attached to the p-clip
4. Remove the magnet from the anchor point to release the tension on the wire
5. Undo the bolt holding the rubber cover on the right post above the rope switch and pull the rubber cover up onto the blue hose covering the wire rope
6. Remove the locking pin on the fork terminal attached to the ring on the rope switch
7. Undo the bolts attaching the rope switch to the frame
8. Install and secure the replacement rope switch to the frame
9. Attach the locking pin from the fork terminal to the ring of the replacement rope switch
10.Attach the magnetic anchor to the anchor point on the frame to return tension to the wire
11.Test the wire tension is adjusted correctly for the new magnetic anchor and re calibrate if required. Follow the instruction in the Maintenance section on page 14 to calibrate the wire tension.
12.Move the rubber cover back in place over the right post and replace the securing bolt
13.Run the cable through the p-clip and reattach the p-clip and replace the cover on the User Interface enclosure
14.Run the cable through the snake tube, reconnect to the control module and secure using cable ties

Replace Rope Switch Cable
Once the replacement rope switch cable has been ordered and received follow the instructions below to swap out the cable:
1. Disconnect the cable from the rope switch into the control module
2. Cut any cable ties and remove the rope switch cable from the snake tubing
3. Remove the cable from the p-clip, by removing the bolts on the cover of the User Interface enclosure to access the bolt attached to the p-clip
4. Release the two bolts attaching the rope switch cover. Rotate the cover 90 degrees on its hinge then pull the cover down at the hinge to separate the cover from the base.
5. Undo the four screw terminals securing the cable wires
6. Rotate the top nut on the cable gland in a counter-clockwise direction to release the cable
7. Remove and discard the damaged cable
8. Insert the wire end of the new replacement cable in through the cable gland
9. Secure the wires to the terminals according to the table below

10.Rotate the top nut on the cable gland in a clockwise direction to secure and seal the cable
11.Clip the cover back into the base on the hinge position and secure using the two bolts attaching the cover to the base
12.Run the cable through the p-clip and reattach the p-clip and replace the cover on the User Interface enclosure
13.Run the cable through the snake tube, reconnect to the control module and secure using cable ties 

Magnetic Anchor
The wire is anchored to the frame using a magnetic quick release anchor. The magnetic anchor is located in the bottom left corner of the frame 

Damage to Magnetic Anchor
If there has been an impact to the magnetic anchor, causing the eyelet to be bent or the magnet to become unseated from its housing. Then the magnetic anchor will need to be replaced. Once the magnetic anchor has been replaced the wire tension may require re calibration. 

Problems with Magnetic Adhesion
If the magnet is no longer attaching to the anchor position on the frame, follow the steps below.
1. Inspect the surface of the magnet for any metallic debris. Wipe off any metallic debris with a cloth or rag. Repeat the same process for the magnet anchor point on the frame
2. Inspect the surface of the magnet for any corrosion. Heavy corrosion will prevent proper adhesion of the magnet and will require the magnetic anchor to be replaced.

User Interface
The user interface is mounted to the frame and contains status lights as well as an override switch. It is connected to the control module using an M12 cable.

Damage to User Interface
If the user interface has been damaged from an impact causing a breach of the enclosure or damage to the override switch or the cable then the user interface will need to be replaced. The user interface enclosure including the cable is a self contained unit with no replaceable parts. Follow the instructions below to replace the user interface.

Replace User Interface
Once the replacement user interface has been ordered and received, follow the instructions below to swap out the user interface.
1. Disconnect the cable from the user interface into the control module
2. Cut any cable ties and remove the rope switch cable from the snake tubing
3. Remove the cable from the p-clip, by removing the bolts on the cover of the User Interface enclosure to access the bolt attached to the p-clip
4. Remove the remaining bolts attaching the user interface enclosure to the frame
5. Remove the bolts attaching the cover of the replacement user interface
6. Secure the replacement user interface to frame using the existing bolts
7. Run the cable through the p-clip and reattach the p-clip to the existing location and reattach the user interface cover
8. Run the cable through the snake tube, reconnect to the control module and secure using cable ties 

Control Module
The control module is mounted underneath the EWP controls and contains the alarm light and siren. It is connected to the machine interface using an M23 cable.

Damage to Control Module
If the control module enclosure has been damaged from an impact causing a breach of the enclosure or damage to the siren attached to the enclosure then the control module will need to be replaced. Follow the instructions below to replace the control module. If the damage is localized to the large M23 connector cable, this can be ordered separately. Follow the instructions below to replace the M23 connector cable. If damage has occurred to either the rope switch or user interface connectors, then both a replacement control module and rope switch cable and/or user interface with need to be ordered. See the instructions above to replace the rope switch cable and/or user interface.

Replace Control Module
Once the replacement control module has been ordered and received follow the instructions below to swap out the user interface.
1. Disconnect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface
2. Disconnect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and cut any cable ties that are securing the cable
3. Remove the bolts securing the control module bracket to the EWP platform and move the control module to a working area
4. Remove the bolts securing the cover of the control module enclosure to access the mounting bolts securing the enclosure to the bracket
5. Remove the bolts securing the control module enclosure to the bracket
6. Remove the bolts securing the cover of the replacement control module  enclosure. Secure the replacement control module enclosure to the mounting bracket and reattach the cover.
7. Reattach the mounting bracket to the EWP platform
8. Connect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface into the replacement control module
9. Connect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and secure the cable using cable ties

Replace M23 Connector Cable
Once the replacement M23 Connector Cable has been ordered and received, follow the instructions below to swap out the cable. 
1. Disconnect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface
2. Disconnect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and cut any cable ties that are securing the cable
3. Remove the bolts securing the control module bracket to the EWP platform and move the control module to a working area
4. Remove the bolts securing the cover of the control module enclosure to access the cable terminal block. Disconnect CN4 on the siren to completely remove the cover and access the PCB.
5. Remove the existing cable wires from the terminal blocks CN2 and CN3
6. Rotate the top nut on the cable gland in a counter-clockwise direction to release the cable
7. Remove and discard the damaged cable
8. Insert the wire end of the new replacement cable in through the cable gland
9. Secure the wires to the terminals according to the table below 

10.Rotate the top nut on the cable gland in a clockwise direction to secure and seal the cable
11.Reconnect CN4 for the siren and reattach and secure the cover
12.Reattach the mounting bracket to the EWP platform
13.Connect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface into the control module
14.Connect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and secure the cable using cable ties
It is recommended to remove the control module from the EWP before replacing the cable

Replace Fuse
The crush guard contains a single 1A standard blade fuse inside the control module enclosure. Follow the instructions below to test or replace the fuse:
1. Disconnect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface
2. Disconnect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and cut any cable ties that are securing the cable
3. Remove the bolts securing the control module bracket to the EWP platform and move the control module to a working area
4. Remove the bolts securing the cover of the control module enclosure to access the fuse holder. Disconnect CN4 on the siren to completely remove the cover and access the PCB.
5. Test or replace the 1A fuse in F1
6. Reconnect CN4 for the siren and reattach and secure the cover
7. Reattach the mounting bracket to the EWP platform
8. Connect the M12 cables from the rope switch and user interface into the control module
9. Connect the M23 connector cable into the EWP control box and secure the cable using cable ties
It is recommended to remove the control module from the EWP in order to access the fuse

Adjusting DIP Switches
DIP Switch SW2 must all be set to the OFF position otherwise a fault will be produced disabling the EWP controls
The control module contains two sets of DIP switches. DIP Switch SW2 is used to customize future functionality and at the moment serves no function. The only valid state for DIP Switch SW2 is all four switches in the OFF position. Any other switch positions will generate an error. DIP Switch SW1 is used to configure input signal polarities. SW1 is configured in the factory to match the EWP and should not be altered in the field. Changing the settings of SW1 can cause erroneous fault codes to be produced during operation. If the DIP Switch settings for SW1 have been unintentionally altered contact EQSS for the correct DIP Switch settings for the EWP.
DIP Switch SW1 must not be altered otherwise random faults will be produced disabling the EWP controls

Machine Interface
The machine interface is a M23 connector harness integrated into the EWP electronics inside the control box.

Damage to Machine Interface Wiring
If the machine interface wiring for the Crush Guard® has been damaged due to a breach of the EWP control box then the machine interface wiring may need to be replaced. Order the machine interface wiring that suits this specific EWP controls and follow the instructions in the Crush Guard® installation manual for the specific EWP to install the machine interface wiring. If an individual wire has corroded or is damaged, it might be possible to just replace the section of wire. Use wire that is equivalent to AWG16 gauge. 

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