Gen4 - Calibration - Load Calibration Basic Outline

Gen4 - Calibration - Load Calibration Basic Outline

The load calibration procedure will ask the operator to calibrate the load for the attachment. The operator will be required to perform the calibration procedure for each different attachment.

The first step in the procedure is to determine the pressure reading at the different boom angles and lengths with no load on the attachment - this is referred to as the zero calibration. The zero calibration is made up of a series of boom angle calibration steps, each at a different boom extension.

As the boom angle increases the weight of the load (in this case the boom) shifts from the main lift cylinder to the boom pivot. Thus the pressure reading decreases as the boom angle increases. During a boom angle calibration step, the calibration software will ask to record the boom sensor data and store this information as a data point. These data points are then combined to produce a graph. The graph results in a curve. The graph points are then calculated to produce a curve of best fit.

The same procedure is then repeated but with a different boom extension. If the boom segments extend in a non-proportional manner a boom angle calibration should be performed at each extension where the next segment starts to extend. If the boom extends proportionally it should only require another boom angle calibration at maximum extension. To complete the calibration at least one boom angle calibration needs to be performed at a boom extension that is close to the maximum boom extension allowed for the attachment. The graph produces a similar curve, however, the pressure required to lift the boom is greater when the boom is extended.

Once the zero calibration is completed, the system can now determine the resultant pressure with no load on the attachment (given the boom angle and length). Now the system needs to know how the pressure increases when lifting a load - this is referred to as the gain calibration. The operator will be required to lift a load with a known weight and enter the weight into the software. The gain calibration is similar to the zero calibration with boom angle calibration steps at different boom extensions and the resultant graph curves are similar.
After the gain calibration is completed the load calibration for this attachment is complete.

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