OverWatch - Configuration - Password for Overwatch Reconfiguration

OverWatch - Configuration - Password for Overwatch Reconfiguration

Reconfiguration of Overwatch - Password Generator is now available to the public.

Generate your password here: Overwatch Reconfiguration

When a different configuration has been selected than the current setting, the Overwatch ECU will request an Overwatch Reconfiguration password. To generate a valid EQSS Overwatch ECU password, the ECU serial number must be accurately entered into the [EQSS Overwatch Serial Number *] field. Please fill out the rest of your details on that form and then press the 'Generate Hash' button.

The ECU serial number (6253E-xxxx-xxxx,   A2038-xxxx-xxxx,  A2157-xxxx-xxxx) can be found:
1. On the silver label attached to the EQSS ECU (mounted inside the scissor control box).
2. Can be read directly from the WiFi Overwatch SSID that your phone/tablet/PC connected to.

For the Overwatch Reconfiguration to be successful, an 'Overwatch Installation' test must complete successfully or the Overwatch system simply won't work. 

Some possible reasons for reconfiguration failure:
1. Overwatch Harness differences within the control box
2. Wrong configuration loaded for the current control box
3. Wrong serial number entered into the password generator

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