OverWatch - Hardware - Harnesses and Kit differences

OverWatch - Hardware - Harnesses and Kit differences

At EQSS we build Overwatch kits for many machine brands and models.

As most machine models are different from each other it should come as no surprise to our customers that at EQSS we build and market different kits to suit those different machines. Whilst some components of our kits (when reconfigured) can be freely interchanged between the kits - however, the wiring harnesses definitely cannot.  The EQSS ECU and LIDAR Sensor are universal across our standard kits, but the wiring harnesses, ECU software configurations and mounting hardware are very machine specific. 

Users usually run into problems when they try to connect a control box with an Overwatch installed, from one model onto a similar looking  (but different and incompatible) model of EWP or when they shift an Overwatch kit from one control box to a different model control box. Fortunately when a new kit is first installed, the user needs to complete an Overwatch Installation test via a WiFi connection - to the Overwatch. If the correct harness has not been used to read the various (Control Box) control signals, then the Installation test will simply fail and the EWP will remain immobile and non functional.

If a hire company/user/customer wants to shift an Overwatch kit from the original machine to a different machine, then many other factors must be looked at. The harness and the mounting hardware (and decoder board in some circumstances) must all be confirmed by EQSS for suitability and then components ordered as required to comply with EQSS kit structure. 

The easiest and most reliable method for achieving an existing kit reconfiguration is to email sales (sales@eqss.com.au) with:
1. Accurate details of what you already have.
2. Honest explanation of what you are trying to achieve.
3. Provide EQSS sales with details (photos of the control box would be helpful) of current EWP EQSS kit (From Old Machine):
  1. EWP Make
  2. EWP Model
  3. EWP Serial No
  4. EQSS Kit Serial No
4. Provide EQSS sales with details of proposed EWP conversion (To the New Machine):
  1. EWP Make
  2. EWP Model
  3. EWP Serial No
  4. EWP Control Box details (photo of the Control Box is helpful)
EQSS sales will then work out what you will need from us to successfully complete the conversion. We will also advise and help with ECU configuration changes.


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