OverWatch Logging

OverWatch Logging

Obtaining the logs

The logs are available after connecting to the OverWatch Wifi and clicking on "View logs" on the Overwatch main menu (
Clicking on "Download CSV" will compile the log into a CSV file and save it to your device so it can be opened with other software.

Log entry fields


This is the time and date that the event occurred.


A brief text description identifying the type of event.
  1. CUTOUT: Zone
  2. CUTOUT: Position
  3. CUTOUT: Movement
  4. CUTOUT: Contact
  5. OVERRIDE: Activated
  6. STUCK: Long term alarm


This is the time elapsed since the the start of the current session. A session begins when the deadman trigger is pressed and held so the EWP can be driven.

Movement rule

This is the active mode of operation of the EWP at the moment of the event.
  1. ascending
  2. idle or descending
  3. driving forward
  4. idle or driving backward
  5. driving forward stowed
  6. idle or driving backward stowed
  7. extending stabilizers
  8. idle or retracting stabilizers


This is the position of the operator that was measured at the start of the current session.
  1. Units are in cm.


This is the last measured position of the operator relative to the calibration position at the moment of the event.
  1. A negative number indicates a position nearer to the sensor than when the session began.
  2. A positive number indicates a position further from sensor than when the session began.
  3. Units are in cm.

Max displacement

This is the greatest displacement of the operator relative to the calibration position measured during the session.
  1. A negative number indicates a position nearer to the sensor than when the session began.
  2. A positive number indicates a position further from sensor than when the session began.
  3. Units are in cm.


This is the last measured velocity of the operator at the moment of the event.
  1. A negative number indicates that the movement was toward the sensor.
  2. A positive number indicates that the movement was away from the sensor.
  3. Units are cm/s.

Max velocity

This is the greatest measured velocity of the operator measured during the session.
  1. A negative number indicates that the movement was toward the sensor.
  2. A positive number indicates that the movement was away from the sensor.
  3. Units are cm/s.

Logged events


This occurs during a session if the operator is required to be but is not visible to the sensor according to the safety rules in effect at the time.

CUTOUT: Position

This occurs during a session if the measured position of the operator is less than the distance threshold according to the safety rules in effect at the time.
  1. This distance threshold is a specific proportion of the calibration distance.
  2. This proportion is based on the current configuration.
  3. A greater proportion means the operator can move closer to the sensor before this cutout occurs. For example, EWPs with a more confined space for the operator such as masts will have a lower proportion.

CUTOUT: Movement

This occurs during a session if the measured velocity of the operator exceeds a threshold according to the safety rules in effect at the time.
  1. This velocity threshold is based on the current configuration.

CUTOUT: Contact

See CUTOUT: Position.

OVERRIDE: Activated

This records the use of override by the operator.

STUCK: Long term alarm

This occurs when the prone alarm persists for more than a specific period of time.


This occurs when no sensor information has appeared for a specific period of time.


This occurs when sensor information reappears after a sensor fault condition.

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