OverWatch - User - Session Auto Calibration
The OverWatch starts sensing the operator from the time the platform’s dead-man trigger is pressed.
When the
machine is powered, and the system is functional, the operator will see a green light on the OverWatch sensor.
This indicates that the OverWatch is ready for use.
When the operator pushes the joystick dead-man trigger, the system will base-line to the operator’s current
position (user calibration).
If the operator position base-line is successful, the light will change to blue and an audio announcement of either “Drive”
or “Elevate” will be made, depending on the platform’s current set mode of operation.
When the operator pushes the joystick dead-man trigger, and if the operator is not detected, or is standing too
close or too far away from the sensor, the light will change to purple with an audio announcement of “Operator
Zone”. If the system is not able to operator base-line, the operator must release the joystick dead-man trigger and move
into the correct working position.
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