OverWatch - User - Stabilisers on Rough Terrain Machines

OverWatch - User - Stabilisers on Rough Terrain Machines

All Rough Terrain machines MUST have all stabilisers fully engaged or fully disengaged - or the machines will be inhibited from functioning by the control box of your Rough Terrain machine

Most brands and models of 4x4 diesel scissors (in order to enable normal functionality) require onboard stabilisers to be fully in either stowed position or fully in the down (extended) position. The LED indicators on the control box will usually display when all stabilisers are in the down position. If all four stabiliser LEDs on your control box are not illuminated when all stabilisers have been lowered, then most likely there is a faulty sensor on that stabiliser. This is not an EQSS fault, but rather a fault of your rough terrain scissor. If this situation arises, then contact the support department for your brand of rough terrain scissor and have the stabiliser sensor repaired/replaced.
Faulty stabiliser sensors can hinder Overwatch normal operation
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