OverWatch - User - WiFi Access

OverWatch - User - WiFi Access

The OverWatch™ includes an embedded web server, accessible via Wi-Fi.
The use of this interface is limited to viewing the system’s diagnostic information, performing routine tests on all inputs/outputs and accessing the time stamped log files.

Minimum system requirements:
Any smart phone, tablet or laptop that meets the following requirements:
• The device can connect to a Wi-Fi access point
• The device has an up to date web browser installed (2019 onwards). Firefox or Safari are recommended.

Enable Wi-Fi Connection:
The system’s Wi-Fi module is disabled by default. In order to enable Wi-Fi, the user must turn the machine on and allow the OverWatch™ to bootup until the green light is visible. Within 10 seconds of power up, the user must press the dead-man trigger 10 consecutive times. The OverWatch™ will announce “Wi-Fi On” and the user can access the web page by connecting to the module’s web server, using its SSID and generic password.

Follow the instructions below to switch on the OverWatch™ Wi-Fi with the dead-man trigger switch:
1. Power down the platform control box with the ESTOP
2. Wait 10 seconds
3. Power up the platform control box with the ESTOP
4. Toggle the dead-man joystick trigger 10 times or more within 10 seconds after power up
5. When the OverWatch™ detects more than 10 trigger presses an announcement “Wi-Fi On Version 8” will occur.

In the event that there is a system fault, and the OverWatch™ cannot sense the dead-man trigger input signal; the system’s Wi-Fi can be enabled by following the instructions below to switch on the operator sensor.
OverWatch™ Wi-Fi using the operator sensor: 
1. Power down the platform control box with the ESTOP
2. Wait 10 seconds
3. Power up the platform control box with the ESTOP
4. While standing in the operator position, switch on the OverWatch™
5. As the welcome chime starts to play, cover the sensor. The LED will flash white then black to acknowledge.
6. Remove your hand from the sensor. The LED will flash white then black to acknowledge.
7. After covering then uncovering the sensor this way 2 more times, "Wi-Fi On Version 8" will be announced.

After the Wi-Fi is enabled, the user may connect to the Wi-Fi network. The SSID OverWatch_6253E_XXXX_XXXX will appear, the XXXX_XXXX being the device’s unique serial number. Connect to the Wi-Fi network and enter the generic access point password which is 12345678.

Accessing the Home Page:
Once the user’s Wi-Fi enabled device is connected to the OverWatch™, open a web browser and enter the IP address of the device’s internal web server

Press enter and the following main page will be displayed:

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