Gen3 - Selections - Disable / Enable Auto Tool Recognition

Gen3 - Selections - Disable / Enable Auto Tool Recognition

Changing settings via the display was added in Display Version 1129. Check the current display version in the Status Menu. If the version is older then follow the instructions here to update the display.

  1. Press Enter on the user control dial to enter the menu system.
    Press the arrow buttons to select System Menu.
    Press Enter to select the menu.

  2. Select Advanced Menu

  3. Enter the password
    (Default Password: 2-8-4)

  4. Select Change Settings

  5. Select Enable Auto Tool recognition and use the arrow buttons to toggle between Off and On.
    Press the Enter button again to confirm the selection.

  6. Restart the machine to load the new setting changes on the Gen3-LMS

  7. Navigate to the Status Menu
    System Menu -> Status Menu

  8. Check the value for      Attachment Selection       Automatic      shows the correct setting
    Note: May need to scroll down to the next page
Upon rebooting after disabling Auto Tool Recognition, the operator must manually select an attachment before a load chart re-loads.

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